Yellow fever vaccine in Exeter

There is a highly effective vaccine that can prevent you from developing yellow fever if you travel to a region where the disease is prevalent. The injection is given in the upper arm. Even if you’ve been immunised, you should avoid bug bites because mosquitoes can spread other diseases that can kill. Keep reading to learn more about the yellow fever vaccine in Exeter.

Who should have the yellow fever vaccine in Exeter?

The yellow fever vaccine is recommended for travellers over 9 years of age going to:

– Sub-Saharan Africa, South America, Central America, and Trinidad in the Caribbean.
– A country that necessitates proof of yellow fever vaccination.

To provide sufficient time for the immunisation to take effect, you should be vaccinated at least 10 days before your departure.

If you or your child have recently had the MMR vaccine, you must wait four weeks before getting the yellow fever vaccine.

In the event that a 4-week interval cannot be maintained, the yellow fever vaccination should be administered, but a second dose of MMR should be considered. People who are still at risk could also get the yellow fever vaccine again on their own.

Yellow fever vaccination for individuals over the age of 60

You can have the yellow fever vaccine if you are in good health, understand the risks of vaccination, and there is a true risk of yellow fever virus at your destination, as well as if you require the vaccine for purposes of obtaining a travel certificate. To help you decide whether or not to get vaccinated, your pharmacist or doctor will talk to you about the likelihood of getting sick at your destination and the possible side effects of the vaccine.

How long does the yellow fever vaccine in Exeter last?

Most people who get the yellow fever vaccine are protected from getting the disease for the rest of their lives.

A second dose of the yellow fever vaccination is advised for a very small percentage of travellers visiting areas where the disease is a danger. This includes those who were previously immunised:

– When they were pregnant
– When they were under the age of two years
– Prior to undergoing a bone marrow transplant
– When suffering from HIV/AIDS
– When experiencing a weakened immune system

Please get in touch with us if you are unsure whether you need another dose before travelling.


Who cannot receive the yellow fever vaccine in Exeter?

Some people can’t get the yellow fever vaccine, even if they’ve been told to.

The following individuals cannot receive the vaccination:

– Infants under the age of six months.
– People with weakened immune systems, such as those with leukaemia or lymphoma.
– Patients whose immune systems have been weakened by steroid or chemotherapy treatment.
– Individuals who are allergic to any of the vaccine’s components, including those with an egg allergy.
– Individuals who had a severe reaction to a previous dose of yellow fever vaccine.
– Those suffering from thymus gland disease or who have had their thymus gland surgically removed.
– People over the age of 60 travelling to countries where yellow fever vaccination is not generally recommended.
– People who have close relatives who have had a severe vaccination reaction, such as brain or organ damage.

Which countries require yellow fever vaccination?

Travellers from countries where yellow fever is common going to countries where it can be spread (and sometimes transiting through such countries) are often asked to show proof of vaccination. You can find out if your destination of choice requires any actions prior to travel on the NHS Fit for Travel website.

Get yellow fever vaccine in Exeter

What are the side effects of the yellow fever vaccine?

Those who are not vaccinated against yellow fever are more likely to experience more intense effects than those who are.

Following immunisation, around one in three individuals develop:

– A migraine
– Muscle ache
– A rise in temperature
– Pain at the injection site

Usually, these side effects subside after two weeks.

In very rare cases, a person may have more serious side effects, like an allergic reaction to a part of the vaccine.

Medical Exemption Documents

If there is a contraindication to the vaccination, a medical professional will decline to provide the vaccine. If it is determined that the danger of serious vaccine side effects outweighs the risk of disease, the same situation may arise as well. In rare cases, a medical exemption certificate may be issued if the risk of sickness is deemed to be low. This should only be done with your permission.

– A medical exemption certificate is valid for a single trip only.
– While travelling, you should avoid mosquito bites as much as possible, as the vaccine will not protect you from any potential infections.
– You must re-evaluate your options for future travel.

Book your appointment now for a consultation and to get your yellow fever vaccine.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.