Any infection that affects the urinary system is referred to as a urinary tract infection (UTI). The urinary system comprises the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections affect the bladder and urethra, which are parts of the lower urinary system. Compared to men, women are more likely to get a UTI. An infection that only affects the bladder can be uncomfortable and painful. A UTI, however, can spread to the kidneys and cause major health issues. Keep reading to find out how to treat UTI symptoms at our pharmacy in Exeter.

What are the common UTI symptoms?

Not all UTIs show symptoms. When they do, they could consist of:

– A persistently intense urge to urinate.
– Urination that causes a burning sensation.
– Often passing small amounts of pee when urinating.
– Cloudy-looking urine.
– Red, bright pink, or cola-coloured urine – indications of blood in the urine.
– Urine that smells strongly.
– Pelvic discomfort in women, particularly in the area of the pubic bone as well as the centre of the pelvis.

UTIs in older individuals may go unnoticed or be confused with other illnesses.

uti symptoms in Exeter

What are the causes of a UTI?

Most urinary tract infections (UTIs) are brought on by bacteria that enter the urinary tract from faeces. The bacteria enter through the urethra (the tube that carries urine off the body).

The urethra is shorter in women than in men. Because of this, bacteria are more prone to infect the kidneys or bladder.

The risk of bacteria entering the bladder is increased by the following factors:

– Having sex.
– Pregnancy.
– Disorders that cause obstructions in the urinary system, such as kidney stones.
– Diseases that impair the ability to completely empty the bladder, such as an enlarged prostate in men as well as constipation in children.
– Urinary catheters (a tube in the bladder that can be used to drain urine).
– Having a compromised immune system, such as those who have diabetes or are undergoing chemotherapy.
– Not drinking enough fluids.
– Not keeping your genital area dry and clean.

Can your UTI symptoms go away on their own?

Though bladder inflammation can be uncomfortable and painful, it typically goes away on its own in a few days and isn’t a serious problem. In other words, a UTI can resolve on its own. Nonetheless, your doctor may suggest a number of medical treatments, such as a course of antibiotics. It’s advisable to always seek your doctor’s guidance based on your individual health. You can also use a number of at-home remedies to hasten this process, such as:

– Staying hydrated – This is important because it can help wash out harmful bacteria, even if a UTI can make it painful to urinate.
– Peeing when you need to — putting off the need to urinate can cause bacteria in your urinary tract to grow.
– Taking probiotics to support a healthy immune system and digestion.
– Wearing loose, cotton clothing will keep the genital area dry and clean.
– Avoiding foods and beverages including citrus, coffee, and alcohol that irritate the bladder.
– Using a heated heating pad to ease pain and discomfort.
– Taking painkillers if your doctor or pharmacist advises you to.

uti symptoms in Exeter

Where can I get treatment for my UTI symptoms in Exeter?

Book your appointment with or visit Luxtons Pharmacy today to treat your UTI symptoms in Exeter. You can also learn more about our UTI treatment service by clicking here.




This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.