meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter

The MenACWY vaccine protects against the meningococcal bacteria that can cause meningitis and septicaemia. Are you planning to travel outside the country? Continue reading to learn more about the meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter and how you can protect yourself.

What are the symptoms of meningococcal infection?

Sneezing, coughing, or direct contact with respiratory secretions can spread meningococcal meningitis. It is a severe illness that has the potential to infect the entire body. Meningococcal disease symptoms, such as meningitis and septicemia, can initially resemble the flu but soon worsen. However, early intervention can save lives.

Meningococcal illness can also present with additional symptoms like:

– A headache
– Muscle and joint pain
– A stiff neck
– Vomiting
– A high temperature
– Drowsiness or difficulty waking up
Cold hands and feet

A rash that can turn into a purple, bruise-like rash and doesn’t go away under pressure (such as when gently pushing a glass against it) may also occur (this is called the “glass test”).

Get emergency medical care if you, your child or an adult you know is experiencing any of these symptoms. Do not wait till the rash appears. Antibiotic treatment and early diagnosis are essential.

The meningococcal disease frequently results in meningitis and septicaemia, which can lead to sepsis, although it can also less frequently result in other diseases. Pneumonia and joint infections are among these (septic arthritis).

meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter

What is the MenACWY vaccine?

The MenACWY vaccination protects against 4 meningococcal strains – A, C, W, and Y – that can cause meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia). It is administered as a single injection into the upper arm.

Effectiveness of the Meningitis ACWY vaccine

The MenACWY vaccine provides excellent protection against four distinct meningococcal strains that can cause serious illnesses (A, C, W, and Y).

Only the sugar-coating found on the four different meningococcal bacteria’s surfaces is present in the vaccination. Without causing illness, it works by encouraging the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against these sugar coatings.

What’s the significance of the Meningitis ACWY vaccine?

Meningococcal disease is a contagious condition that can be prevented by vaccination; the risk is increased for travellers to areas where the infection is more prevalent or during outbreaks.

Visitors are likely to contract meningococcal infection at a rate of 0.04 in 100,000 per month of stay. For high-risk populations, such as tourists visiting Mecca during an outbreak, the risk might rise to 200 to 640 incidents per 100,000 visitors each month.

Death rates in the United Kingdom have been growing. This is due to continued low vaccination rates and an underestimation of the illness’s severity.

meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter

Other vaccines against meningococcal disease

Meningitis and septicaemia can be brought on by a number of microorganisms, some of which are preventable by immunisation. All infants are eligible for the Hib/MenC immunisation as part of the NHS vaccination programme after their first birthday.

The babies are given the MenB vaccine (Bexsero) as part of the NHS childhood immunisation programme at 8 and 16 weeks, with a booster administered after the infant turns one. In order to prevent the potentially fatal diseases meningitis and septicemia, (students who are attending university for the first time) should ensure they have received the MenACWY vaccine.

Teenagers enrolled in Years 9 and 10 of school are frequently provided with the MenACWY vaccine.

Side effects of the Meningitis ACWY vaccine

The MenACWY vaccination can have side effects, however, they are often minor and temporary.

Teenagers and young adults are most frequently affected by the adverse effects. These include redness, hardness, and itching at the injection site, a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, headaches, nausea, and exhaustion (fatigue). The maximum duration for these symptoms is 24 hours.

A tiny, painless lump can occasionally form. However, it normally goes away after a few weeks.

Who should not get the meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter?

If you are allergic to the MenACWY vaccine or any of its components, you shouldn’t receive it. In addition, you should consult a physician or nurse before receiving the MenACWY vaccine if you:

– Have a bleeding condition, for example, haemophilia, or bruise easily
– Are pregnant or breastfeeding
– Have a high fever


How long does the meningitis ACWY vaccine last?

The MenACWY vaccine provides protection for at least five years. Intermittent boosters are only required in relation to certificates. Some nations, notably Saudi Arabia, require a meningitis ACWY certification before being allowed to enter.

Recommendations for Travellers

It might be challenging to avoid respiratory infections, but practising good hygiene habits when sneezing and coughing can help. Avoiding crowded places like markets and public transportation may help lower the chance of exposure, although it isn’t always practicable. The Meningitis ACWY vaccine will protect you while you’re on the road.

Visit or book your appointment with Luxtons Pharmacy today to get your meningitis ACWY vaccine in Exeter. You can also get antimalarials to protect yourself from Malaria as you travel.

Get Antimalarials




This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.