A runner tying shoelaces on their trainers

Millions of people around the UK come up with resolutions every January to improve their health through fitness programmes, weight loss, or healthy eating habits. By following the tips below, you’ll make it a reality for you and your family to lead healthier lifestyles this year. Keep reading to learn how to quit smoking in Exeter and other top health tips for you.

Start by managing your weight

If the effort you put into your weight management programme isn’t showing on your weighing scales, it may end up being demotivating and difficult. However, making healthy lifestyle changes is not just about numbers – it’s about the effects it has on your mental and physical health and your fitness. If done persistently, weight management can turn out to be one of your life’s best achievements. This primarily applies to persons who are clinically obese.

A woman doing bicycle crunches

Stay Active and drink a lot of water

Drinking enough water and staying active are vital in keeping yourself healthy. Try simple steps like walking instead of driving when taking your kids to the park. Going for an evening walk with your whole family not only ensures that they all stay active but also helps build a strong family bond.

It’s also necessary that you get enough rest, especially by getting enough sleep at night.

A person holding a Cigarette thinking of how to quit smoking in Exeter

Follow our tips to quit smoking in Exeter!

You are probably aware that smoking is not good for your health, but do you know exactly how quitting will improve your life? Below are a number of ways that giving up smoking will make your health better.

Quit smoking in Exeter and breathe more easily

You’ll be able to breathe more efficiently, as well as cough less, when you quit smoking, considering your lung capacity will get better by about 10% within nine months.

Stopping smoking gives you more energy

Your blood circulation gets better within 2 to 12 weeks after you stop smoking. This makes it much easier for the body to perform physical activities, such as walking and running.

Add more years to your life

According to the NHS, a good number of long-term smokers die earlier due to smoking-related complications, such as lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and heart disease. Quitting smoking enables you to live a long healthy life.

Tips to help you quit smoking in Exeter:

– Encourage your friends not to smoke around you.
– Avoid replacing cigarettes with food. Instead, you can go for walks rather than your cigarette breaks to manage your cravings.
– Put the money you would have used on cigarettes in a jar to remind you of your progress. This is also a good way of saving money.
– Stay positive – each day you avoid smoking is an achievement.

how to quit smoking in Exeter

Talk to your pharmacist to help you quit smoking in Exeter

A good number of people don’t utilise the full potential of a pharmacist. That said, a pharmacist can do so much in helping you quit smoking, like having you enrolled in a “stop smoking” clinic, as well as providing nicotine replacement therapy, like gum and patches, or medications like Champix.

Get help with our stop smoking service

Are you aware that a stop smoking service can increase the chances of successfully quitting smoking by up to 4 times?

At Luxtons Pharmacy, our staff includes qualified stop smoking advisers who will guide you towards achieving a quit date. It’s never too late to stop smoking, and no matter your age, you’ll start witnessing great changes in your health after you drop the habit, even though it might seem unlikely at first.

Luxtons Pharmacy’s Free NHS-sponsored Smoking Cessation Service will provide you with enough support, as well as all you need in your efforts to stop smoking.

Get in touch with us today to book your appointment or use the booking calendar below.

Get In Touch Get Stop Smoking Help

This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

