hepatitis b vaccination in Exeter

Hepatitis B vaccination makes it simple to prevent the devastating liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. The most typical way for it to spread is contact with contaminated bodily fluids. Knowing the risks posed by the virus and how to stay safe is essential before travelling abroad. The hepatitis b vaccination in Exeter offers protection as you travel. Continue reading for more information on hepatitis B vaccination in Exeter.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis B?

Some of the symptoms of Hepatitis B include black urine, yellowing of the eyes, and abdominal pain. Some people don’t even exhibit any symptoms, particularly children. Chronic conditions can result in cancer development, liver failure, or scarring. Usually, the problem gets better on its own. In chronic situations, medication and potentially a liver transplant are necessary.

Hepatitis B vaccine

As part of its regular vaccination program, the NHS provides hepatitis B vaccination. Patients who are thought to be at a higher risk of getting hepatitis B or its effects are also given it.

Hepatitis B disease, which is a leading cause of chronic liver disease, is prevented by the vaccine.

hepatitis b vaccination in Exeter

Who needs a hepatitis B vaccination?

All babies should receive the hepatitis B vaccine to prevent hepatitis B infection. This is because the condition can persist for many years in children and potentially cause issues like liver scarring or liver cancer.

All babies receive the 6-in-1 vaccination at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age, which includes the hepatitis B vaccine.

Additional doses of the vaccine are given to newborns who run the risk of getting hepatitis B from their infected mothers at delivery, 4 weeks, and 1 year. Even though there is little risk of hepatitis B in the UK, children and those in high-risk groups receive the vaccine.

Anyone who runs the risk of getting hepatitis B or suffering from serious effects from it should get vaccinated.

These people include:

– Individuals who inject drugs or who have a partner who does.
– Males who engage in sex with other males.
– Persons who regularly switch sexual relationships.
– Sexual partners or close family of someone with hepatitis B.
– Children born to mothers with the infection.
– Sex workers of any gender.
– Tourists visiting high-risk countries.
– Persons who get blood products or blood transfusions on a regular basis, as well as their caregivers.
– Those whose jobs expose them to blood or bodily fluids, like nurses, prison guards, dentists, doctors and laboratory workers.
– Those suffering from any type of chronic liver or renal dysfunction.
– Families who adopt or foster children from countries with a high risk.
– Residents of special housing for individuals with learning impairments.
– Prisoners.
– Some foster parents.
– People who assist those with significant learning disabilities.

What does the hepatitis B vaccination involve?

For full protection, the hepatitis B vaccine must be administered three times at the scheduled intervals.

Babies born to hepatitis B-infected mothers will receive six doses of a hepatitis B-containing vaccination to ensure long-term protection. You’ll need a follow-up consultation to assess the effectiveness of the vaccine if you work in healthcare or have renal issues.

You can request a blood test to find out whether you responded to the vaccination if it was administered to you by the occupational health department at your workplace.

hepatitis b vaccination in Exeter

How effective is the hepatitis B vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is remarkably effective. Approximately 9 out of 10 people develop protection after receiving it.

However, the vaccine might not be as effective in people who:

– Are above 40
– Smoke
– Are overweight
– Are alcoholics, especially those who have advanced liver disease

In the event that your immune system is compromised or you are receiving renal dialysis, the hepatitis B vaccine may not work as well as it should. You might need to take the doses more frequently.

What are the side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is quite secure. With the exception of a little redness and soreness at the injection site, side effects are rare.

It cannot cause illness since the vaccination is inactivated (dead).


How many years is the hepatitis B vaccination in Exeter good for?

The first three doses of the vaccine have a high response rate, producing potent or even complete immune responses. It has been observed, though, that this amount declines quickly in the first year and then gradually in the years that follow. The duration of the hepatitis B vaccine’s protection in adults is not well known.

Book your appointment with Luxtons Pharmacy today to get your hepatitis B vaccination in Exeter.




This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.