Morning after pill in Exeter

Emergency contraception is a tablet that a woman takes to avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex. Unprotected sex is when your regular contraception fails in one way or the other, such as a condom tearing during sex, or when you do not use contraception. However, there is no need to worry – you can now get a morning after pill in Exeter from Luxtons Pharmacy.

How does the morning after pill in Exeter work?

Emergency hormonal contraception works by stopping or delaying egg release during the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle. High levels of luteinising hormone (LH) in your body are responsible for triggering ovulation. Higher levels of LH reduce the chances of the emergency pill preventing any pregnancy. This explains why it’s vital that you take the emergency contraceptive pill as soon as possible after unprotected sex to make it more effective.

There are two types of emergency contraception: Levonorgestrel and ellaOne. Excess levels of LH render Levonorgestrel less effective, but ellaOne is effective even later in the menstrual cycle.

Either way, take an emergency pill as soon as possible after unprotected sex, preferably within 24 hours. Even though you are required to collect your emergency pill in person, you can order and collect the pill that very day.

ellaOne Morning after pill in Exeter

What are the side effects of taking the morning after pill in Exeter?

The common side effects of using emergency contraception are nausea, abdominal pain, and headaches.

Can men buy Emergency Contraception?

No, only women have access to emergency contraception. You will however have to fill out a questionnaire to confirm eligibility before purchase. Collect the pills in person at your local pharmacy.

Can Emergency Contraception protect me from STIs?

No, emergency pills are only meant to avoid pregnancy. It does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases or infections such as HIV, chlamydia, and genital warts.

To avoid getting or spreading sexually transmitted infections or diseases, you must practise safe sex by wearing a condom during sex.

Three women laughing

What is safe sex & unprotected sex?

Unprotected sex happens when no condoms or any other kind of contraception is involved during sexual intercourse. On the other hand, safe sex means you are protecting yourself from pregnancy and infections. This only happens by using a condom during sex.

Unprotected sex refers to when a couple doesn’t use any contraception, or their choice of contraception fails to work. This includes when a condom breaks during sex, or when the woman fails to take her regular contraceptive pill.

Not every kind of birth control offers protection against diseases. Always practise safe sex in order to avoid sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

Safe sex means using condoms to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancy. It’s recommended to always use a condom, even if there are other forms of birth control in use.

Are emergency contraceptives effective?

Even if emergency contraception is effective, it’s not a regular form of contraception. Only use it for emergency purposes. The pill becomes gradually less effective if used more regularly over a long period of time.

A man holding a woman at the beach

Can you get the morning after pill in Exeter for free?

The morning after pill is available for free and also for purchase. Many pharmacies and other healthcare providers offer the morning after pill for free, even if you are below 16 years old.

If you’re over the age of 16, the emergency contraceptive pill is available for purchase. You can get it in person or online.

Get in touch with us for more information or visit us today to get your morning after pill.

Get Emergency Contraception


This blog post was written on behalf of Luxtons Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.